Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I am a princess

I am special to God, and you can be too! I don’t mean to be boastful—just stating a fact.  Please allow me to explain. I have three proofs that God loves me!  First, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in my place, before I ever understood that, like everyone else, I was a sinner, alienated from Him (See Romans 3:23). Second, He sent someone my way to make sure I heard and understood the gospel (See Romans 10:14). Third, He confirmed His love and forgiveness by calling me His child. The Scripture clearly puts it this way, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God” (1 John 3:1 NIV84)!

I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that I am a child of God, but yes, I am! I don’t have to understand it. I just need to accept it by faith, because God said so. It is amazing that I am a child of God, and that of course makes me a princess. Would you like to be God’s prince or princess? C’mon!

Now that I am His child, I need to look like Him. After all, children usually do resemble their parents in some way—in looks, actions, likes and dislikes, or mannerisms. Because I cannot become like God on my own, He has put His Holy Spirit in my heart to bear witness to the fact that I am His and to guide and prompt me to walk in His way. In addition, He has given me the Holy Scriptures (Bible), which is His instruction for me, and many siblings in Christ to encourage and build me up.

What a great honor this is. God is not ashamed to call me His child. He does not remember any of my sins, because, He says, He has removed them as far as the east is from the west (See Psalm 103:12). He sees me as holy, because my transgressions are forgiven, and my sins are covered (See Romans 4:7).  With this honor come all kinds of perks:

I do not wait in line to get God’s attention.

I do not take a number and wait.

God never puts me on hold.

God never gets tired of my comings and goings.

I can stay in God’s presence as long as I need to.

I can talk as long as I need to.

God does not rush me through conversations.

I can trust God completely, because His plans for me are for my welfare.


Dear reader, do you understand what I am saying? Jesus has already paid the penalty for your sins. He has placed me in your path to explain to you how much he loves you, and that is what I have been trying to do by telling you about my experience. Admit to Him today that you are a sinner, and gladly accept His forgiveness. That will make you His child, with no questions asked, and no reminders about your past. The Bible says, “Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him” (Romans 4:8 NIV84).  He will indwell you through His Spirit, and set you on the path to a new life of faith in Christ. He will walk with you as He does with me, and you can enjoy all the perks I mentioned before. 

Please don’t postpone making this decision. You might not have as much time as you think. Settle this issue today, because time is running out!





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