Tuesday, December 10, 2019


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The effort to put out a fire starts only after the fire has started, but by then, containing it could be unsuccessful, leading to possible lives lost If there were a way to stop a fire from starting in the first place, lives could be saved.

There’s an old saying, “Prevention is better than cure.” And by the way, it is a true saying, and makes a lot of sense. If you take your medicine the way your doctor prescribed it, you most likely won’t experience what could happen without it. For example, if you take your blood pressure medicine as prescribed, your blood pressure will stay under control, and you might not experience a stroke; it’s that simple!

Having said all that, it is good to understand that this idea works in the spiritual world as well. There’s fire waiting to consume all those who are not God’s children. But JESUS is rendering the fire powerless by His blood; He is washing away the sins of men, so they won’t have to face the fires of hell. It’s almost like dousing the fire with His blood for all those who will put their trust in Him.

What do you think? Would you like to escape the fires of hell? Would you like to have a personal relationship with God now, and later in heaven? I can’t imagine that you’d answer ‘No,’ to these questions. And if you would, then you probably have no idea what the fires of hell are like, or you don’t believe God would send anyone to hell.

Let me disprove the second reason first: God will send non-penitent sinners to hell because He is holy and cannot have fellowship with them. Although God is loving and kind, He is also holy, just, and faithful, and because of those attributes, He has to punish sin; He will send people to hell. Once when Jesus was talking to His disciples about heaven, He said: “… Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons” (Matthew 25:41 NLT). Note where sinners will be sent—into eternal fire. On another occasion, Jesus counseled His listeners to fear God, and not men: “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot do any more to you after that. But I’ll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, he’s the one to fear” (Luke 12:4-5 NLT). Again, did you notice the mention of hell? So that’s your answer—God will send people to hell if they choose to not repent.

And now, your other probable reason for answering ‘No’ could be that you have no idea what hell is like. The Bible makes it very clear that hell is a place of unending torment (see Revelation 20:10)and  weeping and gnashing of teeth (see Matthew 8:12). I’m sure it is a place you’d not want to be.

What steps do you need to take to not find yourself in hell? You need to be adopted into the family of God, and this is how—repent of your sins, and ask God for forgiveness through his Son Jesus, because: “God made Christ who never sinned, to be the offering for our sins, so that we could be made right with God through Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT). And when you take that step, God gives you the assurance that you’ve escaped hell: “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 NLT). The solution to our sin problem is the blood of Christ. Please, don’t postpone doing this, because nobody is promised tomorrow.

If you made that decision, this is what the Bible says about you: “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. Everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:1-3 NLT).

These verses explain who you are in Christ—you’re one of God’s many children (the Church); you have to love them, and be loved by them. Our proof of our love for God is obedience to his Word. The only way we can obey the Word is to know it—by reading, studying, and meditating on it, and even memorizing it. We will also need to hear it from faithful ministers of God. All this will help us grow in our relationship with God and with each other. You could confidently say your fire’s been put out—hell is no longer waiting for you!  

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