Friday, January 6, 2023


Unacceptable societal behaviors need to be addressed; it’s gone on far too long and needs to stop! We each need to ascertain the implications of what we do or plan to do before doing it. If we heed this admonition, some things we might otherwise do won’t be done.

What behaviors do I have in mind? Those that question who God is: His power, ability, wisdom, right, and ownership.

The Bible says God created the world and everything in it; He owns it all!

      “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him” (Psalm 24:1). God is the owner!

      “When he [God] spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command” (Psalm 33:9). God created it, and therefore, He is the owner!

      “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for all the world is mine and everything in it” (Psalm 50:12). God is the owner!

Have you ever created anything? If so, you are its owner and claim the rights to it. And if you are the owner, would you need another person’s permission to do what you please with it? How would you feel and respond if, without your consent, people took it upon themselves to make changes to what was legally yours?

My mind goes back to what happened around when Moses was born. A new pharaoh who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done for Egypt in the past came to power. Fearing the rapid growth of the Israelites, this pharaoh made changes that negatively affected the Israelites. One of those changes was to kill all Jewish baby boys at birth. He feared the Israelites could someday serve as allies to the enemies of Egypt if war ever broke out (see Exodus 1:8-22). What right did this pharaoh or his officials have to reduce the male population? None! But most likely, it didn’t dawn on them that they were overstepping their boundaries or were out of line. By their actions, they implied that God didn’t know what He was doing when He created baby boys; instead, He should have created girls.

This attitude is prevalent many years later; innocent babies are aborted because the parents might be inconvenienced by the baby’s existence. Some excuses for abortions are: The parents are too young, need to finish school, or have no money. And for those who are already parents, the excuses may include: The parents already have enough children and can’t afford to feed another mouth, or their jobs are too demanding; another child would be a burden. If the world and everybody belong to God, what right does anybody have to kill these babies? How would you like someone barging into your house and throwing out your furniture because you have too much? Who do you think should decide how many pieces of furniture you should have, and how many are too many in your house? The last time I checked, you, the owner, should decide.

How about the racial tension that goes on in society? God created all the races for His pleasure, enjoyment, and purpose. He did not assign any group as superior or inferior. In fact, all races descended from the same couple, Adam and Eve. Except for color, everything else is the same in all humans. And when God says all have sinned, He meant all people in all races (see Romans 3:23). And when He sent His Son Jesus to die, it was for all people (see John 3:16). All who are saved through Christ will be in heaven, no matter their racial background. Those who remain unsaved will spend time together in hell regardless of their racial background (see Matthew 25:31-41).

Those who have a problem with the existence of one race or the other imply that God made a mistake in creating that race and that the world would have been better without them. And those who think the population of certain races should be reduced are putting themselves above God. How dare they? God will reduce the population when He wants to! He gets to decide when, how, and why; after all, “Our God is in the heavens, and he does as he wishes” (Psalm 115:3). 

This reminds me of the devil’s aspiration: “I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14). The devil is often the power behind those who are all puffed up, thinking they know better than God and can and will fix His ‘mistakes.’ How rude and how arrogant! These people are claiming authority that has never been offered to them and assuming a role that strictly belongs to God. 

Are you caught up in this behavior? What do you think you do when you mess with another person’s property? You are being disrespectful, proud, and arrogant. Let’s stop messing with God’s property and mind our own business; enough is enough! It is okay to notice or comment on differences like complexion, accent, etc., but please, stop interfering with God’s property! He does not need you going behind Him to undo or redo His work. You’ve never created a human; until you do, choose to be okay with God’s creation. Keep your hands off His property; He does not need you to grade His work or okay it. If He should ever need your input, He’ll let you know. Meanwhile, feel free to build your own if you are unhappy with this world!


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