Friday, September 1, 2023



Have you ever taken a trip, and while away, you couldn't wait to return home? Why do we get homesick? It's because life away is not the same as life at home; there are too many things away from home that do not meet the standards we are used to.

As Christians, living here on earth is not easy; it's a constant reminder that we are strangers here. We long for our real home: a city whose Founder and Maker is God. Although we've never been there, we long for it because, through the Scriptures, we know what it's like. It is beautiful with streets of gold; there'll be no more sorrow, death, crying, pain, or sin; God will wipe away all tears, and we will forever be with Him and each other (see Revelation 21:2-4).

Compared to our eternal home, this world is full of evil; we are sick of rotten politics, destruction, wickedness, crimes, and nations spying on each other and always wanting to be one step ahead. This world has so much sickness, poverty, homelessness, and death; it is heartbreaking. No wonder we yearn to be home where things will be different.

We long for home; we long to leave this wicked and toxic world behind. The devil is causing so much havoc! He's causing people to do his bidding in various ways: Mass shootings, child trafficking, children killing each other, online scamming, etc. Why should a six-year-old have access to a gun, bring it to school and shoot a teacher? Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach? No wonder we are longing for and waiting to leave this world for a better one whose gates will never need to close because we'll have no fear of intruders.

For now, we continue to long for home; we are waiting for Jesus, our Savior, to come and usher us home into the presence of our loving Father, who will wipe all our tears away. Oh, what a day that will be!

Dear reader, do you feel what I feel? Are you sick and tired of this world? Are you yearning for home, and if so, where is home? To break free from this ugly world, ensure you have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, who took your sin and judgment on Himself when He went to the cross. You must repent of your sins; the Bible says we have all sinned (Romans 3:23). Ask God for forgiveness based on Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf. He will accept you and put His Holy Spirit in your heart as evidence that you're His child.

Until He returns to take you home, read your Bible and, pray daily, obey His Word. And join a local Bible-believing church for baptism, fellowship, and growth in your relationship with God. God loves us very much and is waiting to receive us unto Himself; anytime someone believes, He rejoices. He yearns for us to go to Him as much as we long to go there.

On the other hand, if you love this world so much and don't care to make any changes, I suggest you reconsider because if you miss heaven, the only other place available is HELL. I wouldn't wish that place on my worst enemy because the suffering will never end, and it will be too late to change your mind; once you're there, you are there to stay for all eternity. Please think about it. Jesus died, so you don't have to go to hell. It will make no sense to pay a debt that has already been fully paid. I hope to see you in heaven someday, where we can worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords together.


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