Friday, November 11, 2022



An inheritance is something (property, money, etc.) we receive from a loved one who named us in their will before passing away. It is not something we worked for or earned; it is awarded to us out of love.

God has promised His children an inheritance--heaven; He even gave us a guarantee in the person of the Holy Spirit. We didn’t work for it; Jesus did! To be mentioned in God’s will, a person must repent of their sins and ask God for forgiveness through Jesus. He forgives and indwells us with His Spirit. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children; He is also the guarantee that we will, without doubt, receive our inheritance (see 2 Corinthians 1:22). As His children, He has made us heirs of His glory, in fact, joint heirs with Jesus! (See Romans 8:17).

Would you like to be named in this will? The benefits are excellent; you get to live in heaven forever. But you might ask, “What is so wonderful about being in heaven?” That’s a good question! Making it to heaven means God is not holding you accountable for your sins; your sins have been paid for by Jesus through His death on the cross. And in heaven, there’ll be no more sin, sickness, or death.

On the other hand, if you’re not named in the will, you’ll have to pay for your sins. That payment is spiritual death; you will burn in hell with no hope of ever getting out of there. Can you think of anything else worse than that? Life after death goes on forever, whether in heaven or hell. Once you get there, you can never change residence; it’s permanent, and you are there to stay. So, which would you prefer, heaven or hell? You decide!

I imagine you want your sins forgiven and your sin record cleared, so you’ll be named in the will. If so, you need to admit you are a sinner because the Bible says you are (see Romans 3:23). Ask for forgiveness based on Jesus dying in your place. God will forgive you, put His Spirit in your heart, and put your name in His will, guaranteeing your inheritance—heaven.

Now, let’s talk about your life as a child of God. It will be an extraordinary life; you can relate to God as your Father. As your Father, He will be your provider, protector, guide, healer, and more. As with every father/child relationship, there’ll have to be ongoing communication; He talks to you through His Word, the Bible. You speak to him through prayers. The only way to get that relationship moving in the right direction is to obey whatever He commands you.

Disobedience constitutes sin and interrupts your relationship; the Holy Spirit in you will convict you, and you must repent immediately to maintain the relationship. As you live in obedience, your life will gradually change to match how God wants you to live. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.”

In addition to communication with God, you’ll also need to join a local church for fellowship and growth in your faith. As you understand your walk, share your experience with others; you can start by inviting family and friends to Church and other church gatherings, where they’ll hear the gospel preached or explained.

Throughout this process, you’re being transformed into Christ’s image, living a more fulfilling life, and your inheritance is waiting for you; you and the Church will live forever in heaven with the Father and Son. No matter how long it takes, your inheritance will not fade away! 


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