Rewards are compensations people normally expect for work or services they’ve performed. Employees rightfully expect their salaries; sometimes, even people who have done favors expect some type of reward or recognition.
God often
followed His commandments with promises of a reward. For instance, He promised
the Israelites victory over their enemies, time and time again, if they would
obey Him. And He always kept His Word!
God promises
to reward faithfulness in all kinds of situations. He does not have to, but He
chooses to bless.
First and foremost, He promises to reward those who sincerely seek
Him (see Hebrews 11:6) and He has. That
reward is the salvation of our souls (see 1 Peter 1:9).
He promises to reward us for meeting the needs of our enemies (see
Proverbs 25:21-22). Can you identify any need your “enemy” has that you could
meet? Then get to work in Jesus’ name!
When we fast privately and don’t seek human praise, He promises to
reward us (see Matthew 6:18). When you fast or serve God in any way unless
there’s a good reason for another person to know, keep it between you and God.
“Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3).
He will also reward us for being ready for the Lord’s return (see
Luke 12:37). Are you looking forward to His return or are you busy chasing
worldly things? (see 1 John 2:15-16). When He returns, may He find us
diligently working, and eagerly waiting, for Him!
There is a reward for serving those who cannot afford to pay us
back (see Luke 14:14). Do you remember why you invited couple A but didn't invite couple
B, to that get-together? Whatever you do for others, make sure it’s not because
they’ll be able to reciprocate the favor. Let’s do for those who cannot do
There’s a reward for being faithful in whatever we’ve been
assigned to do in God’s vineyard—whether we sow, water, or lead a person in
prayer for salvation (see 1 Corinthians 3:8). There’s no need to compete in the
vineyard; instead, let’s support and encourage each other to fulfill our
assignments with joy. How diligent have you been? Are you wishing you had
another person’s assignment? Please don’t; your assignment is what God has
equipped you for.
Christians who are slaves are encouraged to serve their earthly
masters with fear, respect, sincerity, and enthusiasm, as serving the Lord. “The
Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do, whether we are slaves or
free” (Ephesians 6:8). How diligent are you on your job? Are you a hard worker
only when your boss is around? Work as for God and in addition to your salary,
He will reward you.
Are you going through persecution—are you being mocked and lied
about? Jesus says, “Be happy about it! For a great reward awaits you in heaven”
(Matthew 5:12). Heaven is worth a whole lot more than this world can throw at
us. So, let’s not fear those who can do nothing else after destroying us; let’s
fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
Do you ever feel your work for God is of no value because you
don’t see any fruit? Take heart! The prophet Isaiah had a similar experience;
he felt his work was useless, and he had spent up his strength for nothing and
to no purpose. However, he comforted himself in the Lord: “I leave it all in
the LORD’s hand; I will trust God for my reward” (Isaiah 49:4). God is more
interested in our obedience than the results. After all, He makes things happen
through our efforts. Our reward will be based more on our obedience and
diligence than the results. As the hymn writer says, “Go labor on, spend and be
spent, thy joy to do the Master’s will, it is the way the Master went. Should
not the servant tread it still? Toil on faint not keep watch and pray, for
toil comes rest, for exile home, soon shall thou hear the Master’s voice, the
midnight cry—Behold, I come!”
When the Lord finally assumes His throne and begins to reign, “It
will be time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, as well
as your holy people, and all who fear your name” (Revelation 11:18). Are you
ready for that day? I am looking forward to it; may it be soon!
Being God’s
servants, we owe Him allegiance and service without compensation. In fact, He
teaches us, “When you obey me you should say, 'We are unworthy servants who
have simply done our duty'” (Luke 17:10 NLT).
Since out
of His love and abundance, He has promised to reward us, we can and should
expect the reward with eagerness. God never goes back on His word, so we should
never fear that we might be disappointed in the end.
what promises are you looking forward to seeing fulfilled? What are the
associated conditions? Are you being faithful in keeping your end of the
agreement? Remember that He fulfills His promises only when we have been faithful.
faithful has very little to do with the results or outcomes. God gives the
increase in every situation. For instance, our role in soul-winning is not to
convict or save souls; that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Our role is to
faithfully share the gospel every chance we get, pray for our contacts,
encourage them, and leave the results with God. Let’s be diligent, trusting God
for our reward. He is faithful!