Sunday, April 21, 2019


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 In the beginning, God created man, in His own image;
God maintained the relationship with man through fellowship in the Garden.
“Should God have fellowship with man?”  “I don’t think so.” Said the devil.
So the devil devised a plan, to destroy the fellowship between God and man.
Through the devil’s scheme, man disobeyed God.
The devil was ecstatic; he had succeeded, he beamed with pride. 
But God must have said, “Not so fast Satan, it’s not over until it’s over.     

God is grieved of course, but in order to satisfy His justice, sin must be atoned for.
So God became Man, in the Person of His Son Jesus, and dwelt among men, and lived a sinless life.
Through his Son Jesus, He showed man how to have restored fellowship; it’s through faith in His Son Jesus.
The devil incited the people against Jesus; they crucified Him, He died and was buried.
Again the devil thought to himself, “Finally, I have done it!  Man will never be saved.”
“Not so fast Satan, it’s not over until it’s over.”

When Jesus died, the devil was overjoyed; he threw a party, and
Guess who was at the party?
The devil and his demons of course!
They slapped each other on the back and congratulated each other,
“We did it, we did it! The tomb is tightly sealed, what good is a dead Savior?”
‘Not so fast, not so fast Satan, it’s not over until it’s over.”

On the third day, as the party was going on, there was a big earthquake!
All back-slapping and celebration stopped, abruptly, “What’s going on?” Satan asked.
Before anyone could answer, he saw the stone at the mouth of the tomb rolled away, and
Jesus walked out with angels ministering to Him!      
O, NOoooooo, said the devil, “JESUS IS ALIVE, MY ENEMY IS ALIVE!!!”  
“This wasn’t supposed to happen; man will find his way back to God through faith in Jesus!”
“What can I do differently?” Nothing at all, Satan, nothing at all!
From now on Satan, understand that God is the Victor; you are the loser! Jesus has become the mediator between God and man!”
Jesus has paid for man’s sins; God’s wrath is forever satisfied!

Happy Easter! Jesus is risen indeed!

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