Saturday, April 3, 2021



A wooden cross is made by nailing or tying two pieces of uneven-length wood together as seen in this picture. Even a child could put one together. In years past, in some parts of the world, (Rome, for example) hanging a person on a cross, also called crucifixion, punishes a criminal. As expected, many criminals died that way, but only one of the crucified was not a criminal. In fact, He was sinless.

A cross is a cross, but this one fact (the crucified person was not a criminal) made one particular cross significantly different from all the others. You see, the man on that cross was not a man at all; He was God, and He died willingly, out of love.

When God Almighty, Creator of the universe, with the power to call on legions of angels to fight on His behalf, hangs defenseless on a tree, everybody needs to stop and pay attention! That act speaks volumes: it speaks of man’s ignorance and wickedness, as well as God’s love and longing to forgive, redeem, and replace a broken relationship with an ongoing Father-child relationship now and into eternity. 

The cross! There was a reason for it! Right from the beginning, God knew He would be dying a cruel death to restore the fellowship with mankind that would be broken by sin.

If nothing you’ve read so far makes sense to you, be patient; I’ll explain further. The only sinless Person who died such a horrible death was God in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Why did He die if He was sinless? He died to pay the penalty for man’s sin. Without this act, there could be no forgiveness of sin (see Hebrews 9:22). He did this because that was the only acceptable payment for the sins of man. That one act is all that is required on behalf of each person to cover their past, present, and future failings (see Hebrews 9:28). Without it, there’ll be no restoration of the relationship between man and God.

So, how did we fall out of fellowship with God? Adam and Eve (our original parents) sinned against God in the Garden of Eden through disobedience, and being their offspring, we inherited their sin-nature. So now we sin because we were born with a sinful nature. We’re sinners not because we sin; rather, we sin because we’re sinners (see Romans 5:12). Sin has put a separation between us and God (Adam and Eve were thrown out of God’s presence). The only way to restore our relationship with God is for the sin to be paid for, and God did that through that cruel death of His Son Jesus on the cross.

The cross! Although it represented such pain and agony, it demonstrated love and brought forgiveness and life! The cross!

How then should we respond to a sacrifice this costly? In one word, REPENT! Repentance is agreeing with God that we’re sinners (see Romans 5:20), and deciding to turn our back on sin and place our faith in Jesus. When we take that step, God forgives us, because He’s promised He would if we confess and forsake our sins (see 1 John 1:9). If we choose to not repent, we’ll face God’s judgment in the future, and the verdict will be condemned to hell. Just so we understand that: “Each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). If you haven’t already placed your faith in Jesus, what are you waiting for? Tomorrow is not promised to anyone; death could knock on your door any day, any time, and it might be too late for you to experience God’s grace and forgiveness in a personal way. You might have an elaborate funeral when you die, but that won’t change your standing with God. Please do this today; it is that urgent!

God’s response to your placing your faith in Jesus will be removing your sins as far from you as the east is from the west (see Psalm 103:12). He’ll never again remember your sins (see Hebrews 8:12, 10:17). He’ll guide and teach you through His Word, the Bible, and also through your living in fellowship with other Christians. He’ll always be available to you through prayer. God is waiting for your response to His call; answer today!


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