Wednesday, October 18, 2023


“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you, by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”

Matthew 6:26-27)

For many summers, we had a nesting pair of birds that took up residence in the large Purple Martin house in our backyard. The Great Crested Flycatchers faithfully returned each year. We knew they had arrived when we heard them in the trees. If they thought I was watching, they would fly away. 

Toward the end of summer, when the babies had fledged, the squirrels would move in and stay. When I took the Purple Martin house down at the end of the summer two summers ago, I found a large hole in the middle. The squirrels had remodeled the interior, and the flycatchers had enjoyed a mansion for a home.

I replaced it with a bluebird house the following spring. I wasn’t sure if we would attract any bluebirds. When I saw a scout checking it out a few weeks later, I thought we might get lucky. After all, the birdhouse sits on prime real estate, like Park Place on the Monopoly board with a bird’s eye view of our pool; a canopy of honeysuckles, red tips, and water oak; and a small flower garden of shrimp plants, milkweed, and philodendrons. Much to my delight, the nesting pair parented multiple broods

This year, I took a peek inside the house. I knew I should buy a new one. Only a plastic bag tie secured the warped base, but I was busy and forgot about it.

Soon bluebirds arrived and began building their nest. I watched them carry leaves, moss, and twigs into the hole. A few weeks later, I heard the faint sounds of babies. I was excited to watch the back-and-forth ritual of the parents feeding them. However, when a few days passed, and I didn’t hear or see them, I became concerned. I looked around the front yard for any dead bluebirds.

I gave up the search when I saw the mother and father working on the nest again. They appeared to be undertaking a rebuilding project. Something must have gone awry, and they had started over.

Several days later, I went out for my daily swim. When I glanced at the wooden house, two beady eyes stared out of the dark hole. They were much too big to be a bluebird. Surprised, I examined it and noticed the enlarged opening. It was big enough for one determined squirrel to squeeze into, though it was a tight fit. The squirrel had usurped the bluebirds and now considered it her home.

I would have laughed if I hadn’t seen the birds bringing in nesting material the day before. But what could I do? I got in the pool, distracted and concerned. Was the squirrel sitting on the eggs, or worse, smothering the babies?

After a while, I watched the male and female bluebirds fly to their nest. Suddenly, they halted their approach and flew over to a tree. They appeared to have no idea a squirrel was inside their quarters. I was upset because the squirrel had the entire canopy to build a nest.

I climbed out of the pool, grabbed the pole I used to skim the water, and angled it up to the birdhouse. The squirrel jumped out like he had been stung by a hornet. Wild eyes flashed as she scrambled past me, jumped from the fence into the thicket, and scurried off faster than a startled fish.

My job accomplished, I dipped back into the pool and swam to the far end. I hoped to see the bluebirds reclaim their territory, but they didn’t return. Perhaps they were waiting for me to leave. It was getting dark anyway, so I got out, dried off, and went back inside to change.

Then I heard my daughter, Joy, scream, “Mamma, the bluebird house fell over.”


I ran out of the door. The box was partially burst open and lying on the ground. The squirrel must have broken the plastic tie scrambling out of the hole. Some nesting material had dislodged from the sides where the wooden boards had separated. I peered through the opening, searching for baby birds or eggs, but to my dismay, two baby squirrels were inside. I did a double-take because I expected to see birds. They were tiny with no hair and couldn’t have been more than a few days old.

Would the mother return? How could the squirrel have been using the birdhouse? The baby squirrels didn’t appear to be hurt. At least they were moving around a little, as much as babies with closed eyes can.

The nesting debris had cushioned the fall, though I wondered how so much “stuff” could fit into such a small space. We needed to figure out how to remount the birdhouse on the post. The base of it had rotted, and there was nothing to which we could mount it. I did manage to push the sides of the box back together.

I set the house on the table by the pool and went to the garage to find something we could use. Joy later told me she saw the mother squirrel return and leave. That was a good sign. I hoped that she would come back. I found a roll of sticky blue tape that we had used to cover the windows during the last hurricane season. We could use a screw to latch it on the post and run the tape around the sides and underneath it.

Joy and I climbed on top of the wooden fence and took turns pulling off tape and wrapping it like a Band-Aid. When we finished, it was nighttime, and we went back inside to watch.

A bluebird arrived immediately, but he refused to go in. He just sat outside the opening. We grew tired of watching the perched bird, and he was half-hidden in the trees anyway. I went to bed thinking about baby squirrels and feeling guilty for my part in the disaster. I wondered what I would do if the mother squirrel did not return.

The next day I kept an eye out for her, but the birdhouse just baked in the sun with no squirrel in sight. By late afternoon I had to do something. I took Joy to the gym and visited a friend who cared for orphaned animals.

I asked her if she would take the squirrels if I brought them to her. She reassured me she would. I ran home, climbed on the railing again, and brought the box down. I set it on the table and looked inside, but to my dismay, it was empty.

My friend said the mother might have returned that night or early in the morning. She explained that squirrels make several nests, so if ants overrun one nest or she is scared off, she has another one for nesting.

I still felt sorry for the bluebirds. I went to the store and bought a brand-new bluebird house that a determined squirrel couldn’t gnaw through. My neighbor came over later that evening and anchored it so it couldn’t get knocked over again. My biggest regret was that I didn’t do it sooner.

Sometimes God paints pictures of life lessons that can have many meanings. I would have doubted my ability to raise a family if I were a bluebird. Would I even have the desire to try a third time?

If I were a squirrel, I would have learned it doesn’t pay to steal someone else’s home. I needed to build my own.

But God had a different message for me—things may not always be as they appear. While I was expecting bluebirds, God delivered squirrels. 

How many times have I been so sure of myself only to find out later I was wrong? And maybe, just maybe, God wanted me to dive into the pool, enjoy a swim, and let Him take care of the bluebirds and the squirrels. God loves those little critters more than I do. 

Despite my human limitations, I find joy in seeing the “Goodness of the Lord” in my backyard, all around me, and in the little things of life that are easy to disregard or ignore. 

PRAYER; Please help us, Jesus, to see more of You in the Kingdom of God. Help us to rest, swim, and appreciate the fullness of Your Goodness here as we anticipate what You have planned for us in Your Eternal Kingdom.


Friday, September 15, 2023


by Lorilyn Roberts

Someone once said
Old is
When you can’t find your glasses
When you receive your invitation to join AARP
When you cash your first Social Security check
When you kiss your first grandchild
When you apply for Medicare
When you need a knee replacement
When you forget how old you are
When your family won’t let you renew your driver’s license
When you’ve had more colonoscopies than you can count
When your teeth fall out

I say
Old is
When I no longer find beauty in God’s creation
I forget to say thank you
Bitterness consumes me
Children bother me
People annoy me
Animals shun me
Morning, noon, and night I complain
I think I am always right
I no longer pray
read my Bible
or care

Dear Lord
Before I am old
Spare my friends
My family
My children
Call me home
So I may
Help me
To stay young
Bonds that never break
Belly ache laughter
Compassion like Jesus
Hope that endures
Forgiveness times seventy
Sacrifice beyond measure
Love for You
As ageless as
Mother Time

Friday, September 8, 2023


Oh, Lord, you are my Shepherd!

You provide me with all that I need when I need it.

You provide the right places for me to rest.

You lead me away from troubled paths, and when I need to travel on them anyway, you give me strength and courage to walk in ways that bring You honor and glory.

As my Shepherd, you never leave or forsake me; You are right by my side every second, and so, even in the darkest times, I will not fear.

With Your loving discipline, you protect, comfort, and keep me on the right path.

Right before my enemies, You provide for me, abundantly anointing my head with oil and filling my cup with overflowing blessings.

I know, Lord, wherever I go, for the remainder of my life, You will chase me with Your goodness and love until I see You face to face, and I will live with You forever in Your Kingdom!


Friday, September 1, 2023



Have you ever taken a trip, and while away, you couldn't wait to return home? Why do we get homesick? It's because life away is not the same as life at home; there are too many things away from home that do not meet the standards we are used to.

As Christians, living here on earth is not easy; it's a constant reminder that we are strangers here. We long for our real home: a city whose Founder and Maker is God. Although we've never been there, we long for it because, through the Scriptures, we know what it's like. It is beautiful with streets of gold; there'll be no more sorrow, death, crying, pain, or sin; God will wipe away all tears, and we will forever be with Him and each other (see Revelation 21:2-4).

Compared to our eternal home, this world is full of evil; we are sick of rotten politics, destruction, wickedness, crimes, and nations spying on each other and always wanting to be one step ahead. This world has so much sickness, poverty, homelessness, and death; it is heartbreaking. No wonder we yearn to be home where things will be different.

We long for home; we long to leave this wicked and toxic world behind. The devil is causing so much havoc! He's causing people to do his bidding in various ways: Mass shootings, child trafficking, children killing each other, online scamming, etc. Why should a six-year-old have access to a gun, bring it to school and shoot a teacher? Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach? No wonder we are longing for and waiting to leave this world for a better one whose gates will never need to close because we'll have no fear of intruders.

For now, we continue to long for home; we are waiting for Jesus, our Savior, to come and usher us home into the presence of our loving Father, who will wipe all our tears away. Oh, what a day that will be!

Dear reader, do you feel what I feel? Are you sick and tired of this world? Are you yearning for home, and if so, where is home? To break free from this ugly world, ensure you have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, who took your sin and judgment on Himself when He went to the cross. You must repent of your sins; the Bible says we have all sinned (Romans 3:23). Ask God for forgiveness based on Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf. He will accept you and put His Holy Spirit in your heart as evidence that you're His child.

Until He returns to take you home, read your Bible and, pray daily, obey His Word. And join a local Bible-believing church for baptism, fellowship, and growth in your relationship with God. God loves us very much and is waiting to receive us unto Himself; anytime someone believes, He rejoices. He yearns for us to go to Him as much as we long to go there.

On the other hand, if you love this world so much and don't care to make any changes, I suggest you reconsider because if you miss heaven, the only other place available is HELL. I wouldn't wish that place on my worst enemy because the suffering will never end, and it will be too late to change your mind; once you're there, you are there to stay for all eternity. Please think about it. Jesus died, so you don't have to go to hell. It will make no sense to pay a debt that has already been fully paid. I hope to see you in heaven someday, where we can worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords together.


Friday, August 25, 2023




RSVP means, please respond. RSVP requests usually accompany invitations because hosts and hostesses like to know how many people will attend an event. After all, every host or hostess wants enough food and supplies during a party. They want to be adequately prepared for the event. Therefore, guests planning to attend an event are usually requested to make their intentions known by calling a given number or returning a slip or postcard provided to a provided address.  

Everybody, you included, has been invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb, Jesus Christ (Rev 19:9). Like all well-planned social events, this event must be responded to. The invitation to this wedding supper reads: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). 

There are three possible responses to this invitation, each with eternal implications. 

·       You could respond: “Not interested.” “Don’t believe it.” “I am just fine.”  Based on the wording of the invitation, you have elected to perish.

·       Or you could respond: “Yes, I will go; I will respond after taking care of XY and Z.” If procrastination goes on long enough, the opportunity to respond will be lost, putting you in the “not interested” status.

·       But you could respond: “Yes, I want to attend the supper; I am responding right now because today is the day of salvation!” “Dear God, thank you for the gift of your dear Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the penalty for my sins. I now accept Him as my Lord and Savior, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 

Your RSVP will be immediately received in heaven, and your name will be recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life. On the day of the wedding supper, you will be escorted into the banquet hall to enjoy fine dining and fellowship with the Lamb (groom) and the bride (the Church of which you are part). 

Note that no one can show up with an excuse of; “I meant to RSVP but forgot or I was too busy to respond. The groom’s response to people with excuses will be, “I tell you the truth, I don’t know you” (Matthew 25:12).  

It is also important to note that each individual has to RSVP for themselves. There will be no RSVP for couples, families, Churches, friends, or any kind of group. This is an invitation to all, but group responses are unacceptable; each individual has to respond for themselves, “Whosoever will may come” (Revelation 22:17).  

So, dear reader, how will you respond to this invitation? I hope you will say “Yes,” please say it now before it is too late. God loves you but will not force you to accept this essential invitation. Anyone you know (parent, sibling, friend, or spouse) who received this invitation could not and did not include you on their RSVP. Speak for yourself today!  

Saturday, August 19, 2023


God is the Creator of the universe; He called it into existence when out of nothing, He said, "Let there be light,"; "a space between the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth,"; … "Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind" (Genesis 1:3; 6; 9; 11; 14;15;20; 22; 24). After that, He created human beings (a man and a woman) in His image to be like Him (them-the Trinity), with the plan for them to multiply, fill the earth, and govern it (see Genesis 1:26-28). After creation, God looked at His handiwork and was satisfied because He saw it was perfect (see Genesis 1:31).

Adam and Eve knew God personally; He visited with them every evening until they sinned. So, they knew He created the world He had charged them to govern. Being their offspring, we have that knowledge inherent in us, and the Bible, talking about people, says: "They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. People have seen the earth and sky since the world was created. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power, and divine nature. So, they have no excuse for not knowing God" (Romans 1:19-20).

Why do people convince themselves and others that there's no God when they have so much evidence proving otherwise? If they admit He exists, they'd have to obey Him, which they don't want to do. In short, they don't want to be accountable to Him; they like to do whatever, whenever, and however they want. Unfortunately for them, what they choose to believe won't get them off the hook.

So, Dear Reader, do you know God, and if you do, what does He mean to you? What difference has that knowledge made in your life? On the other hand, you are probably one of the people who claim there is no God. And the reason you claim there's no God is so you don't have to honor or obey Him. Look deep into your heart, and ask yourself where you came from. Deep down, you know God exists; the Bible is true and says God Has already put that knowledge in your heart. Dear Reader, you have no excuse for rejecting God or His Word; He created you in His image and loves you. He has sacrificed His Son, Jesus, to pay for your sin of rejection and rebellion, so He can have an ongoing relationship with you.

Stop pretending and lying to yourself that there's no God. If you don't like the dinner served, will pretending there's nothing to eat take away your hunger? Of course not!

Claiming there's no God will not excuse you from the consequences of not knowing him personally. We were made to worship; if you don't worship the Creator, you will worship something else in His place (see Romans 1:21-32).

Having said all that, what should one do to affirm their knowledge of God? They should agree with their hearts that God is the Author and Creator of the world; he is love, holy, and just, and does not tolerate sin. Humanity has fallen out of favor with God but can be restored by believing in Jesus, the Son of God, who died in our place. I encourage you to call on Him today and prove that God exists despite your excuses and is waiting to hear from you. Respond today; the sooner, the better.       


Friday, August 11, 2023


You might often find neighborhood posts asking for help finding a lost pet. They describe the pet, and the owner provides his contact information. Sometimes a reward is listed. Have you ever seen a homeless pet, and how did that make you feel? Did you wish you could reunite that pet with its owner?

Jesus paid a ransom for you and all mankind, including your neighbor. Your neighbor does not know or understand that he or she is lost, and if never found and returned to God, his or her owner, it will lead to eternal separation. On the other hand, you understand that the stakes are high; you are glad you have become a child of God by repenting of your sins and putting your faith in Jesus. Plus, you know and enjoy the benefits of your relationship with God, like joy, peace, and hope for the future; your neighbor could benefit from that knowledge. So, what are you going to do about your lost neighbor? 

God has made all believers, including you, His ambassadors, and is making His appeal through us; we must ask unbelievers to return to God through Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 5:19-20). What’s stopping you from being an ambassador? Could it be that you feel ashamed to openly declare that you’re a Christian, are afraid of persecution, or feel unsure how to present the gospel message?

Jesus’ response to those who feel ashamed is: “If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in His glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels” (Luke 9:26; also Mark 8:38). And if fear is your problem, Paul cautioned Timothy: “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord” (2 Peter 1:7-8). If you’re unsure how to present the gospel, befriend your neighbor, show him love and respect, and avoid topics that lead to arguments. Pray for him, and as your friendship grows, you can share what God has done for you.

Sharing the gospel is not the time for a lecture. Jesus asked the woman at the well for a simple favor: “Please give me a drink” (John 4:7). That led to a discussion, and before she knew it, Jesus had confessed: “I AM the Messiah!” (V 26). The woman went back home to share her experience, and before she could really think about it, many from the village had put their trust in Him because of what she told them (see 39-42).

Jesus is waiting to welcome your neighbor; He is counting on you to introduce them. Your neighbor will appreciate knowing what you already know; he or she will appreciate going home to the Father he or she didn’t even know they had. Stop procrastinating because time is running out; it could soon be too late for your neighbor.

And just as neighborhood posts offer a reward, Jesus promises: “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds” (Revelation 22:12).     

Friday, August 4, 2023



I was relieved when we finally bade winter 2009 goodbye. I was glad to see spring arrive and hoped it would get warmer. But even after spring had been around for a few weeks, it did not warm up consistently with time. Instead, the warm kept alternating with the cold. I tried not to turn on the heat, but finally, when I couldn't take it any longer, I did; the house was too cold. I gave in and turned it on: just for one day. 

The alternating temperature changes made me miserable, and I seldom felt appropriately dressed. When I went outside in warm clothes, I felt too warm, and when I went out dressed in light clothes, I felt too cold. Why couldn't it get warm and stay warm? Why should I turn on the heat when it was nearly mid-May? I found it frustrating and vowed not to complain when it got hot. 

This frustrating experience with inconsistent weather reminds me of how God feels about lukewarm Christians. He told the church in Laodicea, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:15-16). 

This indicates that God wants us to walk consistently with Him and grow daily by being in the Word, doing what it says, and praying without ceasing. 

With the concept of inconsistency also comes double-mindedness. James 1:6-8 tells us a double-minded person is unstable in all he does. We are admonished to believe and not doubt when we ask God for wisdom. He is the same God who created the world with the Word of His mouth. God's power is not demonstrated in degrees or percentages. Power is power! Through it, He healed the sick, raised the dead, turned water into blood and wine, raised Christ from the dead, and defied gravity when Jesus ascended into heaven. So, is there anything too hard for Him? No! Why, then, do we have doubts when we pray? It could be because we focus on the problem and not on God, and that must change.

We find it easier to trust God with less complicated issues, but our faith does not measure up when it comes to overwhelming problems. We seem to say to God, "I don't know about this. Are you up to this challenge?" But the truth is, nothing is too hard for the Lord (see Genesis 18:14).  

Since nothing is too complicated for Him, we must trust Him completely, in every instance, and not just some of the time. Regardless of the circumstances, God can be trusted; He has never failed and is not about to now. Even when He doesn't respond however we want, it is still for our good. With faith should come patience and thanksgiving.  

A newborn cries when he/she needs something; he/she does not concern himself/herself with how the parents will meet that need.  

Let's learn from the newborn: ask for everything we need, and trust that our loving, heavenly Father will provide!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Has God ever given you an assignment you did not want to accept because of fear? Many people can say yes to this, especially regarding witnessing. We fear ridicule, the inability to answer questions from our listeners, etc. Moses had escaped from Egypt because of a murder he had committed there and had no intentions of returning. But God had an assignment for him there that changed his life forever.   

GOD – Hi, Moses. I have some work for you to do for me. I have children enslaved in Egypt; they are suffering tremendously. I'd like to free and relocate them and relieve their suffering. I am giving them their own land, flowing with milk and honey. I am sending you to the Pharaoh of Egypt; tell him to let my people go. 

 MOSES – You've got to be joking, Lord! The people won't believe me; they will want to know your name. I don't even know how to speak; "I've never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue" (Exodus 4:10).

GOD – "Moses, who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will help you speak and will teach you what to say" (V11-12).   

MOSES – Please, Lord, I do not want you to help me accomplish this task. Please, Lord, don't; just don't get me involved. I came out of Egypt for a reason; the king has a warrant for my arrest, and I do not want to be seen in that vicinity. "O Lord, send someone else to do it" (V13); someone who has a good reputation, is good at this sort of thing, and is very eloquent. 

Humanly speaking, you might think that this point in this dialogue is when God slaps Moses! But our God does not operate that way. He encourages, supports, and accommodates our inadequacies. Amen! Although His anger burned against Moses, He provided a helper in the person of Aaron, Moses' brother. He said to him, "I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do" (V 15).

However, if we overly try His patience, He might direct us to Jonah to discover possible consequences (see Jonah 1:17). Sometimes, we can be so overwhelmed with fear that the only thing that will suffice for us is to be far removed from a situation. But God has said to us many times, "Fear not, for I am with you" (Joshua 1:9). "I am with you" means "I am with you." Is anything too hard for Him? Of course not!  

He enables those He calls, but let us remember it means things could go differently than we want. If everything went smoothly each time he commissioned us, when would He get to demonstrate His wisdom, power, and strength? Challenges in our lives are opportunities for us to witness His greatness. So don't turn down the Lord's help to accomplish the tasks He calls you to, for He is faithful. 


Friday, July 28, 2023


Did you know there are personal, invisible prisons that people are in everywhere they go? They are inside it at work, when they go shopping, to bed, you name a place; they are in it. The saddest part is they don't know they are in prison, let alone know it is a 24/7 situation. You may be one of those people.

You might be wondering: "Am I really in prison? Who jailed me and why? Since when and for how much longer? What can I do to get out?" All these questions are very reasonable, especially since you didn't even know you were in prison. Let us get some answers to these questions. 

1. ARE YOU IN PRISON? – Yes, you are! You feel it, even though you don't see a physical structure around you. Don't you sometimes wonder why you have no peace, even when everything else seems okay? Your soul is in prison and wants to break free, but it doesn't know how. Isaiah 42:7 and 61:1 confirm that people are in prison and captivity, and Jesus puts it this way: "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin" (John 8:34). 

2. WHO IMPRISONED YOU? The apostle Paul admonished young preacher Timothy to instruct unbelievers with the hope that "They will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:26). So, now you know who imprisoned you: it is the devil. 

WHY ARE YOU IN PRISON? – The devil put you in prison so that you will do his will. The devil wanted Adam and Eve to disobey God; he lied to them and got them to do his will. He is still lying to people and getting away with it (at least for now). People still disobey God because the devil twists the truth, making a lie attractive to them. Although they are in prison, he makes them feel like they have the freedom to do whatever they want. The truth is they have no space. He gives his prisoners only one option: to do evil, so that is all they can choose. On the other hand, God lays His options on the table and explains each option's consequences. This approach allows people to know upfront the implications of their choice. 

IMPRISONED SINCE WHEN? -You became a prisoner when your fore-parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God in the garden by listening to the devil and his lies. Since then, sin has passed on to all men, "just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all men" (Romans 5:12). 

HOW LONG IS YOUR PRISON TERM? – You will be in prison until you discover the truth that sets a person free, which is why this article shows you the way to freedom. Countless men and women have found their way out by doing what I am about to tell you. Allow the Son to free you, and you will be free. (See John 8:36). 

THE WAY TO FREEDOM – God sent His Son to die in your place. This is what Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners" (Luke 4:18). The Psalmist knew what it meant to be free, and this is his testimony: "The Lord sets the prisoners free" (Psalm 146:7). Jesus is the only one who can set you free, and this is what you must do: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31). Confess your sins to Him, ask for His forgiveness, and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. This is how you break free from the devil's camp. Until you take this step, you will continue to be his prisoner. So don't wait any longer; today is your day of salvation, your day to break free from prison!



Friday, July 21, 2023





Excuses don’t relieve a person of responsibilities and/or consequences. If a student says to his teacher, “The dog ate my homework,” the teacher won’t necessarily give the student a passing grade as if he had turned in his assignment; in fact, he shouldn’t. If a police officer issues a ticket for a moving violation, he will not withdraw it just because the driver says, “I have no money; I lost my job.” He will still be expected to pay the fine, whether or not he has a job. The point is that excuses do not exempt one from responsibilities or consequences.

Here are some of the excuses people make for not believing in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and the Bible’s response to each one: 

     1) There’s no God-   

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1); “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). 

2)    Jesus is not God-

At Jesus’ baptism, God said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17); “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1); “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30).  

3) I am not that bad –

“The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one” (Psalm 14:2-3). 

4)    Christians are hypocrites –

“The soul that sins is the one who will die” (Ezekiel 8:4). Christians might not be doing everything right, but God will still hold you accountable. Christians’ mistakes and failures will not get you off the hook. 

5)    There is no life after death –

“The Lake of Fire is the second death. If anyone’s name was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:14-15). 

6)    Jesus is not the only way to God

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12); “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). 

 7) I do not believe the Bible is the Word of God

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). 

I am sure there are more excuses out there. Still, no matter what they are, nobody will be excused for not believing in Jesus because the Bible clearly says, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). God does not play favorites and does not accept excuses; come to Him today, and be saved!