Friday, September 8, 2023


Oh, Lord, you are my Shepherd!

You provide me with all that I need when I need it.

You provide the right places for me to rest.

You lead me away from troubled paths, and when I need to travel on them anyway, you give me strength and courage to walk in ways that bring You honor and glory.

As my Shepherd, you never leave or forsake me; You are right by my side every second, and so, even in the darkest times, I will not fear.

With Your loving discipline, you protect, comfort, and keep me on the right path.

Right before my enemies, You provide for me, abundantly anointing my head with oil and filling my cup with overflowing blessings.

I know, Lord, wherever I go, for the remainder of my life, You will chase me with Your goodness and love until I see You face to face, and I will live with You forever in Your Kingdom!


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