Our journey through this life is like being on a highway, and taking
our cue from the diff erent color traffi c lights. We are always at one
of three lights. We are either at a stop (red), getting ready to stop
(yellow), or in motion (green). Th e color changes determine how
long we are supposed to stay at each light. In order to ensure our
safety and the safety of other travelers, we cannot ignore any of
the indicators for change.
If we stand still at a green light, travelling time is prolonged,
we arrive late at our destination, and we delay other travelers,
and can potentially be the cause of an accident. If we choose to
stay in motion when the light is red, we run the risk of accidents,
getting hurt and or hurting other travelers, be it pedestrians or
other drivers. If we try to avoid the red light by rushing through
the yellow light, we risk going through the red light, and possibly
causing an accident. We need to respond to each color traffi c light
appropriately and in a timely manner. In order to do that, we need
to be alert and watchful so we don’t miss any of the prompts.
When God gives the signal to move (green), we need to
move prayerfully and in faith trusting that He knows where He
is leading, even when we are not sure. Moses didn’t know the
solution to, “Tell the Israelites to move on.” Ex 14:15b, when he
and the Israelites were sandwiched between the Red sea in front
and the Egyptian soldiers behind. Have you taken matching orders
not knowing where you are headed? If your orders came from the
Father, you don’t have to worry; He has it all under control. Let us
be on our guard so that we don’t miss any orders for change when
He issues them.
Please let’s not speed up when God says, “Slow down” (yellow
light). Speeding up to escape or shorten pain and suffering
won’t accomplish God’s purposes for us. God through Joshua,
commanded the Israelites to match around Jericho once a day for
six days, then seven times on the seventh day (Jos 6:3-5). Th ey
could have decided to speed up things by walking two or more
times per day or marched thirteen times the fi rst day to get the
job completed sooner than later, but they didn’t. God had a good
reason for this seemingly strange military strategy; the Israelites
didn’t have to know the reason why, all they needed to do was obey.
Had they not followed His orders to the later, the outcome could
have been very diff erent, most likely not in their favor.
Then, there comes the most dreaded time when God says,
“Wait!” Waiting is not easy, especially when we don’t know what’s
supposed to happen next; we can get restless, tired, inpatient,
and whinny. But charging ahead of God always messes things
up. Let us wait! During that waiting period, we need to exercise
patience, faith, and be prayerful, and expectant. Sometime after
Jesus’ resurrection, before His ascension, He gave the apostles
this command, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my
Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.” Acts 1:4
That gift was the Holy Spirit! When He came, He filled them
with power to be His witnesses. They were no longer afraid of the
authorities; they preached with boldness in His name and healed
the sick in His name. Had they not waited expectantly, patiently,
and prayerfully, the outcome might have been different.
Th e toughest part of knowing which light we’ve come to is the
ability to hear God’s voice distinctly. We definitely cannot heed
God’s direction, if we cannot hear Him, and we don’t hear Him
because we don’t wait on Him enough to hear Him speak to us.
We are always on a move, in a rush, and our minds wonder, and our
enemy, the devil likes it that way. In Revelation 1:10, John who had
been banished to the Island of Patmos because of his faith says,
“On the Lord’s Day, I was in the Spirit, and I heard . . .” In order
to hear the Lord’s voice we need to be prayerful.
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