The first day of January is always the start of a new year. As many
of them as we have seen, we still have no idea what the year will
bring when it rolls around. At the beginning of each year, we can
look forward with anticipation or with fear of what might or might
not be. The only assurance we have is, God is in control and at the
right time He will come to rapture the Church. All other issues
in our world have uncertainty attached to them. For example, is
the recession over or not? Is your job secured? After exercise, good
nutrition etc. are you guaranteed good health? Th e answer to these
questions and many others is, “Who knows?”
The Word of God teaches us how to live life until He comes.
He says, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and
enjoy safe pasture” (Psalm 37:3 NIV).
Can we enjoy safety in a chaotic world? Where in this chaotic
world can we find this safety? In the land, the Church! That’s
where! That’s where we have the word of God expounded to us.
We find support and comfort from each other based on the Word
of God. “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward
love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24 NIV).
I’m sure there are other pastures outside the church, but they
cannot be described as safe. In the world’s pasture, individuals
are climbing on top of each other and back-stabbing each other
to get ahead. Nobody is protecting anyone. There is no shepherd
and no under-shepherd. The sheep is destroyed both from within
and without.
The Psalmist says in Psalm 23:2, “He makes me lie down in
green pastures.” As we see, the Shepherd doesn’t provide just
pastures, but ‘green pastures,’ luscious pastures to ensure good
What the world provides is not nourishment, but rather
stress, pain, discouragement, fear, etc. and in the end, death.
Shepherds don’t take the pasture to the sheep, but rather
the sheep to the pasture, therefore, “Let us not give up meeting
together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage
one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching”
(Hebrews 10:25 NIV).
We need to be with other believers as much as possible, so
even when Church is officially not in session we can have informal
meetings. When we get together, regardless of time and place it
is still Church because the Church is ‘US’ the body of Christ, the
bride of Christ. Amen!
Our safe pasture therefore is with each other with Christ
as our Shepherd. May the Lord help us to make every effort to
remain with the fold, encouraging and being encouraged. Let’s be
faithful in praying for one another, for prayer is one of the safety
gears in the family of God (pasture). (see Ephesians 6:18).
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