Saturday, August 8, 2020


Joel 2:13 Return To The Lord Your God For He Is Merciful Slow To ...

What does it mean that “God is slow to anger?” It means God does not rush into getting angry or furious, which will also mean He gives Himself a lot of time before responding to annoying situations. We know He is slow to anger because that’s how He described Himself when He passed in front of Moses. He announced: “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6). What exactly though, can make Him angry? They all come under one heading: Sin!

God is holy, and anything that goes against His nature is sin. He does not condone or make excuses for it. He makes His holiness clear to us through His commandments, so when we disregard His commands and go our own way, we’ve sinned. And we know how sin entered the world; Adam and Eve disobeyed Him in the garden, believing and obeying the serpent instead. Ever since then, sin has plagued man. The consequences are everywhere, in the form of destruction, diseases, hatred, famine, you name it. It breaks my heart! But thank God for Jesus who is making all things new, starting with paying the penalty for our sins.

God’s anger plus His justice lead to judgment, and judgment brings destruction. However, because He loves man and is slow to anger, He does not judge right away; He wants people to repent: “Our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved” (2 Peter 3:15). He has provided salvation through Jesus Christ, so man really has no excuse about facing judgment. With all that said, we know God is faithful and will not allow man to continue in sin indefinitely. He will bring judgment upon all those who do not heed His warning to repent.

We have proof of God’s patience; look at our world and all the evil that’s going on. The only conclusion we can draw is that God is patient—slow to anger! Aren’t you tired of the mess we are in right now? I am! Look at the fraud, deception, lies, murder (even innocent babies), and politics where politicians are seeking power and their personal glory, instead of working with each other for the good of the citizens. Do you ever feel like asking: “How long, Lord; how long?” I do, and I do ask because this is exhausting; evil is everywhere and seems to be getting worse by the day. When is He going to replace patience with judgment? I don’t know and neither do you. Until then, if you haven’t repented, please do so and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Don’t let that day take you by surprise; if you die without God’s forgiveness, or if Jesus returns to earth without you being forgiven, it will be too late: judgment and destruction are all you can hope for. Jesus is offering you salvation today and every day before you die. Are you going to accept it? Please don’t think you can do it later, because if you knew which rainy night your car might have a flat tire, I’m sure you’d stay off the road.      

If you are reading this and you already have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, I say hello my brother/ sister! We have work to do: work in the form of praying, living right, and testifying to others about the love of God. Let’s be like the beggar who tells a fellow beggar where to find bread. And when our Lord returns, may He find us busy winning souls!

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