Friday, September 10, 2021


Why would we disagree with God? Because our view of God is unrealistic; we like to think of Him as being someone other than who He really is. We want God to be powerful and strong, but also the God who sets no limits or boundaries for us; we want to be able to do whatever we want, and for Him to be okay with it.

Our disagreement with God is evidenced in our disobedience-doing what He’s asked us not to do and neglecting what He’s commanded us to do. Just like the Israelites, we repeatedly disobey Him.

In other words, we want God's protection, provision, blessings, and sustenance but not His reproof or correction. How many human parents would allow their children to live under their roof, would feed and clothe them, but set no boundaries for them? I am sure there’s not a single parent who would be okay with that sort of arrangement.

The kind of God we envision and think we have is not the God of the universe, and the sooner we understand that the better life will be for us going forward. Let's understand that God created us so He could have a relationship with us. Being the Creator, He gets to make the rules and we get to follow them. God is not a slave master; He is a loving God who has great plans for us. He tells us, “I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). We will never be happy and content until we submit to His will and leading. We need to know who He really is!

God is the God of order; He is holy, loving, just, faithful, and long-suffering,  never going back on His Word. We cannot be in a meaningful relationship with God if we don’t accept and relate to Him as such. Because He’s holy, we cannot enjoy His company while living in sin. He says in His Word, “You must be holy because I am holy” (Leviticus 11:45). Although He is holy, and as a result demands accountability, He is patient and long-suffering and doesn’t rush to judgment. He is slow to anger and warns us repeatedly, with the hope that we will repent and not face His wrath. Since He’s faithful, He honors His promise to forgive when we repent: “If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness” (1 John 1:9). When we honestly repent, He does not only forgive our sins but also never brings them up again, “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12).

Do you disagree with God’s way of handling your affairs or the affairs of the world? I’m sorry you feel that way, but let me try to help you understand this. Who do you think God is? What do you expect of Him, and what do you think He expects of you? If you give God His proper place as Lord and take your place as servant or child, things will begin to change, and your disagreements will dissipate. 

God is complete: His role is set and does not need any changes. Your role, however, needs to change from a sinner to a child of God. As a sinner, God’s Spirit does not live in you and you don’t appreciate His commands. For that reason, you live in constant rebellion against Him and disagree with what He says. However, I assure you that if you allow your will to line up with His, you’ll begin to see things differently. And the way to do that is to admit that you are a sinner, repent, and ask God for forgiveness. He will forgive you, indwelling you through His Holy Spirit. This will give you a new beginning that allows you to see God differently than you did before. This process cannot be explained by the natural mind; it is a spiritual experience (see John 3:5-8). Jesus died in your place, making this possible: “This is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

When you become a child of God, you will understand His love for you and the reasons for the boundaries He has put in place for His children—the church. The Bible, which is the Word of God, together with the Holy Spirit, will teach you how to live to please Him. Staying in fellowship with the church will help you understand the Bible and be encouraged.

So, are you ready to replace your disagreement with love and allegiance to God? Please repent today and ask God for forgiveness through His Son, Jesus!     


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