Saturday, November 22, 2014

40-Day Love Dare - Will You Take It?

Pretty much guaranteed your marriage will be changed forever

What if you could do some simple things like learn a few new behaviors, be reminded to act in certain ways, or change an attitude or two, and you would radically enhance your spouses view of you. I am about to take the dare, and I am suggesting maybe you should, too.

Here's how it all started. My wife was staying over at her sister's last night, and I decided to see if I could find a movie on the tube. I rarely end up with the Hallmark channel or TBN, but last night I reluctantly chose "Fireproof" with Kirk Cameron. I'm expecting it to be sappy and not B- quality.

The movie is good, even really good for an overtly Christian movie. The situation is very real, and I've seen the actions and attitudes played out in my own marriage and in many, many other marriages of my friends and family. The message of hope is laid out very smartly, not heavy handed, and compels action. TBN gives this description of the story:

Fireproof is the story of a firefighter, Captain Caleb (Kirk Cameron), who lives by the old firefighter's adage “never leave your partner behind,” but when seven years of marriage to his wife Catherine (Erin Bethea) fails, neither one knows how to save the partnership, largely because neither understands the pressure the other faces.

Caleb claims that Catherine is too sensitive, and doesn't show him any respect. Catherine tells her hospital co-workers that he is insensitive and doesn't listen. As they prepare to file for divorce, Caleb's father (Harris Malcom) challenges his son to commit to a forty-day “Love Dare” test. Caleb begins the test primarily because his father asked him to rather than for the sake of his marriage.

You might expect that the entire thing just kind of naturally winds happily from success to success. But as noted above, this film is REAL. There are setbacks, serious points of hopelessness and despair. And, lets be honest, this 40-Day Love Dare isn't always going to get the right results. What it is absolutely certain to deliver is a different YOU! That is, if you do the dare with the right heart.

Personally, I would see the movie first, then look up this PDF which has a succinct listing of the daily plan for each of the 40 days.  You could also go to the main page of the resources website and check out workbooks and other materials you could use personally or as part of a study. 

You could also buy the movie on Amazon here. Or look for it on NetFlicks or buy on ITunes. 

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